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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores - Page 18

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores - Page 18

Rank Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
341 659 University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee 1288 1150 (12.0%)
342 304 Bethel University 1286 1250 (2.9%)
343 513 Howard University 1285 1180 (8.9%)
344 547 Otterbein University 1285 1175 (9.4%)
345 314 Warren Wilson College 1285 1250 (2.8%)
346 212 Gordon College 1285 1292 (0.5%)
347 297 Colorado State University-Fort Collins 1280 1250 (2.4%)
348 378 Oklahoma State University-Main Campus 1280 1220 (4.9%)
349 323 Hamline University 1280 1240 (3.2%)
350 1264 Manhattan Christian College 1280 950 (34.7%)
351 348 Oklahoma Christian University 1280 1230 (4.1%)
352 277 Drury University 1280 1265 (1.2%)
353 325 University of North Carolina School of the Arts 1280 1240 (3.2%)
354 350 Eckerd College 1280 1230 (4.1%)
355 380 Hollins University 1280 1220 (4.9%)
356 308 Christopher Newport University 1280 1250 (2.4%)
357 416 Wentworth Institute of Technology 1280 1210 (5.8%)
358 241 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott 1280 No Change
359 330 Champlain College 1280 1240 (3.2%)
360 417 University of Scranton 1280 1210 (5.8%)

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