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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 26

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 26

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
501 531 Western Carolina University 86.67 86.35 (0.4%)
502 321 John Carroll University 86.65 89.79 (3.5%)
503 468 Western Washington University 86.65 87.38 (0.8%)
504 526 University of North Florida 86.63 86.52 (0.1%)
505 345 Roberts Wesleyan College 86.60 89.42 (3.2%)
506 605 Bob Jones University 86.60 85.28 (1.5%)
507 594 Millikin University 86.54 85.39 (1.4%)
508 615 Hofstra University 86.53 85.16 (1.6%)
509 664 Pittsburg State University 86.51 84.44 (2.5%)
510 365 University of Redlands 86.51 89.19 (3.0%)
511 636 Juniata College 86.50 84.85 (1.9%)
512 471 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott 86.48 87.35 (1.0%)
513 960 Middle Tennessee State University 86.48 80.39 (7.6%)
514 832 Catawba College 86.47 82.21 (5.2%)
515 267 CUNY City College 86.46 90.70 (4.7%)
516 463 Saint Vincent College 86.44 87.40 (1.1%)
517 525 Coe College 86.43 86.53 (0.1%)
518 434 Washington State University 86.40 87.86 (1.7%)
519 366 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 86.39 89.19 (3.1%)
520 795 Florida Atlantic University 86.39 82.78 (4.4%)

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