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Top 500 Ranked Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges - Page 16

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Top 500 Ranked Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges - Page 16

Rank Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
301 414 Madison Media Institute-Rockford Career College 54.78 47.40 (15.6%)
302 279 Sanford-Brown College-Atlanta 54.76 54.83 (0.1%)
303 278 Everest Institute-Fort Lauderdale 54.76 54.83 (0.1%)
304 238 Advanced Training Associates 54.75 56.54 (3.2%)
305 365 InterCoast Colleges-Anaheim 54.69 50.35 (8.6%)
306 209 Concorde Career College-San Diego 54.65 57.92 (5.6%)
307 327 WellSpring School of Allied Health-Kansas City 54.62 52.11 (4.8%)
308 274 Anamarc College-El Paso Central 54.54 55.07 (1.0%)
309 269 Medvance Institute-West Palm 54.54 55.29 (1.4%)
310 280 Vatterott College-Quincy 54.34 54.80 (0.8%)
311 283 The College of Office Technology 54.22 54.52 (0.6%)
312 249 Taylor College 54.18 56.21 (3.6%)
313 292 Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-Cambridge 54.15 No Change
314 293 Anthem Career College-Nashville 54.10 No Change
315 276 Concorde Career College-San Bernardino 54.05 54.92 (1.6%)
316 330 Carrington College-San Leandro 54.05 51.86 (4.2%)
317 233 Advanced College 54.03 56.78 (4.9%)
318 296 Brightwood Career Institute-Philadelphia Mills 54.02 No Change
319 286 Lincoln College of Technology-Tri-County 53.97 54.47 (0.9%)
320 275 Global Health College 53.85 55.06 (2.2%)

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