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Top 500 Ranked Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges - Page 19

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Top 500 Ranked Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges - Page 19

Rank Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
361 348 Brightwood College-El Paso 51.26 51.16 (0.2%)
362 341 Everest College-McLean 51.26 51.44 (0.4%)
363 336 Ultimate Medical Academy-Tampa 51.23 51.53 (0.6%)
364 338 Heald College-Hayward 51.17 51.47 (0.6%)
365 350 Anthem College-Irving 51.08 No Change
366 119 Galen College of Nursing-Cincinnati 51.00 64.97 (21.5%)
367 389 Concorde Career Institute-Tampa 50.99 49.06 (3.9%)
368 345 Heald College-Rancho Cordova 50.98 51.35 (0.7%)
369 353 Prism Career Institute-Upper Darby 50.87 50.81 (0.1%)
370 352 Heald College-San Jose 50.87 No Change
371 463 Pima Medical Institute-Las Vegas 50.82 43.90 (15.8%)
372 342 Platt College-OKC-Ann Arbor 50.71 51.42 (1.4%)
373 277 Concorde Career College-Portland 50.59 54.87 (7.8%)
374 565 Pennsylvania Institute of Health and Technology 50.57 35.83 (41.1%)
375 364 Brightwood College-Palm Springs 50.56 50.40 (0.3%)
376 298 Brown College of Court Reporting 50.43 53.95 (6.5%)
377 335 Utica School of Commerce 50.43 51.61 (2.3%)
378 356 Virginia College-Macon 50.41 50.73 (0.6%)
379 354 MedTech College-Greenwood Campus 50.40 50.77 (0.7%)
380 542 Carrington College-Sacramento 50.28 37.95 (32.5%)

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