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Top Ranked Universities in Puerto Rico - Highest Overall School Score

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Top Ranked Universities in Puerto Rico - Highest Overall School Score

Rank in Puerto Rico Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1 1 University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras 93.56 94.13 (0.6%)
2 17 Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de Guayama 89.64 69.67 (28.7%)
3 2 University of Puerto Rico-Cayey 87.37 90.64 (3.6%)
4 4 University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla 82.85 87.31 (5.1%)
5 3 University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez 82.22 88.14 (6.7%)
6 5 University of Puerto Rico-Carolina 80.39 86.04 (6.6%)
7 10 University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon 79.40 81.09 (2.1%)
8 15 Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico 78.03 72.56 (7.5%)
9 22 Escuela de Artes Plasticas y Diseno de Puerto Rico 77.57 59.91 (29.5%)
10 6 University of Puerto Rico-Humacao 76.95 85.95 (10.5%)
11 8 Conservatory of Music of Puerto Rico 76.83 83.69 (8.2%)
12 11 University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo 76.66 79.02 (3.0%)
13 N/A Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico 76.66 Not Available
14 7 Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de San Juan 74.52 85.86 (13.2%)
15 14 Dewey University-Hato Rey 73.47 No Change
16 56 EDIC College 73.44 40.53 (81.2%)
17 12 Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de Manati 72.57 74.82 (3.0%)
18 16 Dewey University-Hato Rey 71.71 71.83 (0.2%)
19 19 Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico-Ponce 71.02 65.78 (8.0%)
20 13 University of Puerto Rico-Ponce 68.08 74.68 (8.8%)

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