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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 64

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 64

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1261 1492 Nichols College 76.75 72.82 (5.4%)
1262 1411 Flagler College-St Augustine 76.73 74.12 (3.5%)
1263 1205 Gwynedd Mercy University 76.73 77.22 (0.6%)
1264 1209 Yeshiva of the Telshe Alumni 76.73 77.14 (0.5%)
1265 511 Georgetown College 76.71 86.86 (11.7%)
1266 1193 Duluth Business University 76.70 77.33 (0.8%)
1267 947 William Paterson University of New Jersey 76.69 80.64 (4.9%)
1268 1226 Concordia University-Nebraska 76.69 76.90 (0.3%)
1269 543 Wilmington College 76.68 86.14 (11.0%)
1270 1065 University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo 76.66 79.02 (3.0%)
1271 N/A Universal Technology College of Puerto Rico 76.66 Not Available
1272 1388 New York Institute of Technology 76.63 74.42 (3.0%)
1273 975 Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College 76.63 80.17 (4.4%)
1274 586 Mississippi University for Women 76.58 85.47 (10.4%)
1275 1657 Mount Aloysius College 76.58 69.67 (9.9%)
1276 1381 Jefferson College of Health Sciences 76.57 74.56 (2.7%)
1277 2138 Southwestern Assemblies of God University 76.56 59.93 (27.8%)
1278 1412 Finlandia University 76.56 74.11 (3.3%)
1279 1035 University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 76.55 79.41 (3.6%)
1280 1582 Cardinal Stritch University 76.55 71.14 (7.6%)

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