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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 77

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 77

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1521 1282 Roger Williams University 72.58 76.02 (4.5%)
1522 1359 Instituto Tecnologico de Puerto Rico-Recinto de Manati 72.57 74.82 (3.0%)
1523 1730 Briar Cliff University 72.54 68.05 (6.6%)
1524 1926 Life Pacific College 72.53 63.88 (13.5%)
1525 1221 Albany State University 72.53 76.94 (5.7%)
1526 1486 Southeastern Bible College 72.49 72.91 (0.6%)
1527 1503 Piedmont International University 72.48 72.64 (0.2%)
1528 1918 CBD College 72.46 64.03 (13.2%)
1529 1394 Thiel College 72.45 74.34 (2.5%)
1530 596 Jackson State University 72.44 85.37 (15.1%)
1531 1645 Assumption College for Sisters 72.44 69.91 (3.6%)
1532 1497 Gainesville State College 72.43 72.77 (0.5%)
1533 2155 Northern Maine Community College 72.41 59.66 (21.4%)
1534 1364 King University 72.40 74.75 (3.1%)
1535 1737 Northern Vermont University 72.39 67.97 (6.5%)
1536 1999 Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Leyma 72.39 62.46 (15.9%)
1537 2453 Colby Community College 72.37 55.72 (29.9%)
1538 1691 Iowa Wesleyan University 72.34 69.09 (4.7%)
1539 1043 Davis College 72.34 79.30 (8.8%)
1540 1270 Brenau University 72.32 76.17 (5.1%)

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