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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 24

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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 24

Rank Private Colleges and Universities
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
461 570 Saint Joseph's College of Maine 83.35 80.12 (4.0%)
462 721 Kettering College 83.32 76.27 (9.2%)
463 580 Trine University 83.30 79.96 (4.2%)
464 532 The University of the Arts 83.28 81.40 (2.3%)
465 491 Wells College 83.25 82.78 (0.6%)
466 508 Pratt Institute-Main 83.24 82.11 (1.4%)
467 524 Palm Beach Atlantic University 83.21 81.70 (1.9%)
468 681 Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus 83.18 77.36 (7.5%)
469 584 Evangel University 83.16 79.88 (4.1%)
470 439 Mount St. Mary's University 83.15 83.99 (1.0%)
471 462 Wake Forest University 83.10 83.41 (0.4%)
472 518 Norwich University 83.09 81.86 (1.5%)
473 459 St. Joseph's College-New York 83.07 83.48 (0.5%)
474 378 Converse College 83.06 85.46 (2.8%)
475 454 Hiram College 83.04 83.62 (0.7%)
476 372 Arcadia University 83.00 85.64 (3.1%)
477 636 Long Island University 83.00 78.52 (5.7%)
478 400 Rider University 82.98 84.98 (2.4%)
479 363 California Institute of the Arts 82.98 85.90 (3.4%)
480 734 Hiwassee College 82.97 76.05 (9.1%)

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