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Top 500 Ranked Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges - Page 24

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Top 500 Ranked Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges - Page 24

Rank Vocational, Technical and Career Colleges
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
461 437 Vatterott College-Wichita 45.41 45.73 (0.7%)
462 436 National College-Cincinnati 45.40 45.84 (0.9%)
463 446 Brightwood College-Nashville 45.07 45.14 (0.1%)
464 N/A Cortiva Institute-Maitland 45.01 Not Available
465 N/A Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts-Boulder 44.95 Not Available
466 441 Heritage Institute-Jacksonville 44.93 45.39 (1.0%)
467 N/A Peloton College 44.89 Not Available
468 555 Platt College-Miller-Motte-Fayetteville 44.87 36.57 (22.7%)
469 433 Virginia College-Richmond 44.84 45.94 (2.4%)
470 218 Alaska Career College 44.68 57.46 (22.2%)
471 N/A Center for Advanced Legal Studies 44.56 Not Available
472 450 Everest Institute-Kendall 44.47 44.77 (0.7%)
473 N/A Florida Career College-West Palm Beach 44.40 Not Available
474 454 Anthem Career College-Memphis 44.31 44.42 (0.3%)
475 455 Everest College-Anaheim 44.23 44.35 (0.3%)
476 289 Chattanooga College Medical Dental and Technical Careers 44.16 54.21 (18.5%)
477 456 Ponce Paramedical College Inc 44.16 44.32 (0.4%)
478 443 Trumbull Business College 44.13 45.34 (2.7%)
479 223 Concorde Career Institute-Miramar 44.09 57.18 (22.9%)
480 460 Fortis College-Columbus 44.07 No Change

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