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Top Ranked Universities in New York - Highest Average Student Loan - Page 4

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Top Ranked Universities in New York - Highest Average Student Loan - Page 4

Rank in New York Highest Average Student Loan
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
61 64 Pace University $8,550 $8,326 (2.7%)
62 56 Continental School of Beauty Culture-Buffalo $8,510 No Change
63 108 Canisius College $8,496 $7,551 (12.5%)
64 69 Niagara University $8,455 $8,260 (2.4%)
65 4 St Paul's School of Nursing-Staten Island $8,453 $13,413 (37.0%)
66 178 Bryant & Stratton College-Southtowns $8,446 $6,487 (30.2%)
67 21 Lincoln Technical Institute-Whitestone $8,442 $9,525 (11.4%)
68 179 Trocaire College $8,440 $6,486 (30.1%)
69 62 Houghton College $8,402 $8,381 (0.3%)
70 124 Fordham University $8,396 $7,327 (14.6%)
71 180 Continental School of Beauty Culture-Mattydale $8,370 $6,484 (29.1%)
72 40 Alfred University $8,330 $8,814 (5.5%)
73 34 Empire Beauty School-Brooklyn $8,313 $9,127 (8.9%)
74 72 Empire Beauty School-Manhattan $8,282 $8,206 (0.9%)
75 50 Washington Saratoga Warren Hamilton Essex BOCES-Practical Nursing Program $8,263 $8,614 (4.1%)
76 82 Pratt Institute-Main $8,232 $8,039 (2.4%)
77 109 Daemen College $8,213 $7,544 (8.9%)
78 66 Empire Beauty School-Rochester $8,178 $8,301 (1.5%)
79 76 Briarcliffe College $8,166 No Change
80 37 Clinton Essex Warren Washington BOCES $8,164 $8,956 (8.8%)

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