MBA Program


The MBA Program offers the Master of Business Administration (MBA) as well as a joint degree in nursing (MSN/MBA). Other programs include work-study, graduate assistantships, and a dual degree with le Groupe Sup de Co, Montpellier, France. The strongest areas of study are management and management information systems.

Forty-eight total credits are required to complete the MBA, including 12 elective credits. Required courses include:

  • Financial and Management Accounting
  • Applications in Financial Management
  • Management Theory and Application
  • Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
  • Marketing Decision Making
  • Legal and Ethical Environment
  • Behavior in Organizations
  • Managerial Economics and Policy
  • Operations Management
  • Applied Operations Research I
  • International Business
  • Business Policy and Strategy

Students may eliminate or substitute requirements by transferring graduate credit from other accredited institutions or by being granted advanced standing for undergraduate business study within 7 years.

The minimum time permitted to complete the master’s degree program attending full time is 2 years; maximum, 6 years. For students attending part time, the minimum is 3 years; maximum, 6 years.

Average business class size is 18.


A bachelor’s degree is required, along with a GPA of 2.5 and a GMAT score of 500. Most important admissions factors are academic accomplishments and ability, GMAT results, and letters of recommendation. A strong mathematics background is not required.

The number of applicants for a recent class was 65; 54 were accepted; 52 enrolled. The average GPA was 3.01; average GMAT score was 450. Transfers are accepted. Minority students are actively recruited by making special efforts to contact and advise.

Students may begin the MBA program in the fall and spring. To apply, students must submit an application form, 2 transcripts, GMAT scores, a nonrefundable application fee of $25, 3 letters of recommendation, a resume, and a narrative statement. An interview is required. The application deadlines are July 1 for fall entry; November 1, spring; March 1, summer. Students are notified by August 8, December 8, and April 8 of the admissions decision. The latest acceptable test date for fall entry is June.

Financial Aid

The FAFSA and Financial Aid Transcript are required. The priority deadline is April 1 for fall entry.

Tuition for in-state residents is $675 per course. Nonresidents pay $935 per course. Graduate student housing is not available. There is a referral service to help procure off-campus housing.


Seven percent of a recent graduate business school class were enrolled full time. Forty-two percent were women, 3% were minorities, and 3% were foreign nationals. The average age at entrance was 34; ages ranged from 23 to 55. Seven percent already had a graduate degree.

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