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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries - Page 25

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries - Page 25

Rank Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
481 562 CUNY York College $95,700 $84,013 (13.9%)
482 484 Dallas Baptist University $95,699 $86,493 (10.6%)
483 620 California State Polytechnic University-Pomona $95,693 $82,599 (15.9%)
484 876 Las Positas College $95,658 $77,049 (24.2%)
485 402 University of Kansas $95,640 $89,514 (6.8%)
486 527 Macalester College $95,608 $85,047 (12.4%)
487 275 Milwaukee Area Technical College $95,587 $96,184 (0.6%)
488 713 Glendale Community College $95,552 $80,213 (19.1%)
489 481 CUNY Medgar Evers College $95,450 $86,585 (10.2%)
490 480 University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus $95,419 $86,604 (10.2%)
491 538 University of New Haven $95,417 $84,659 (12.7%)
492 492 DeVry University-Ohio $95,381 $86,231 (10.6%)
493 609 School of the Art Institute of Chicago $95,374 $82,867 (15.1%)
494 558 Union County College $95,237 $84,081 (13.3%)
495 874 DeVry University-California $95,232 $77,141 (23.5%)
496 1626 Muskingum University $95,189 $66,557 (43.0%)
497 648 Oregon State University $95,146 $81,888 (16.2%)
498 362 De Anza College $95,125 $91,578 (3.9%)
499 449 University of Tulsa $95,077 $87,569 (8.6%)
500 291 Rhode Island School of Design $95,030 $95,386 (0.4%)

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