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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 25

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 25

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
481 627 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona 86.97 84.98 (2.3%)
482 825 University of Washington-Bothell Campus 86.97 82.33 (5.6%)
483 625 Regis College 86.96 85.00 (2.3%)
484 482 Massachusetts Maritime Academy 86.96 87.21 (0.3%)
485 413 University of Lynchburg 86.95 88.19 (1.4%)
486 409 Loras College 86.95 88.27 (1.5%)
487 724 Arkansas State University-Main Campus 86.94 83.63 (4.0%)
488 466 Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles 86.93 87.38 (0.5%)
489 516 Azusa Pacific University 86.92 86.75 (0.2%)
490 489 Polytechnic Institute of New York University 86.91 87.14 (0.3%)
491 490 Aquinas College 86.87 87.10 (0.3%)
492 427 University of San Francisco 86.86 88.05 (1.4%)
493 620 Monmouth University 86.82 85.07 (2.1%)
494 695 Elmira College 86.80 84.04 (3.3%)
495 1373 Sarah Lawrence College 86.78 74.61 (16.3%)
496 255 Hanover College 86.78 90.88 (4.5%)
497 582 University of Louisville 86.72 85.54 (1.4%)
498 273 Albion College 86.70 90.59 (4.3%)
499 348 Illinois State University 86.68 89.38 (3.0%)
500 684 Western Michigan University 86.68 84.14 (3.0%)

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