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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 46

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 46

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
901 763 Hartwick College 81.71 83.17 (1.8%)
902 911 CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice 81.68 81.25 (0.5%)
903 1070 Stephen F Austin State University 81.65 78.96 (3.4%)
904 931 Waynesburg University 81.64 81.02 (0.8%)
905 944 Ave Maria University 81.62 80.67 (1.2%)
906 829 Eastern Michigan University 81.57 82.30 (0.9%)
907 918 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly 81.56 81.16 (0.5%)
908 1030 California State University-Northridge 81.54 79.50 (2.6%)
909 1072 York College of Pennsylvania 81.54 78.87 (3.4%)
910 470 Yeshivas Be'er Yitzchok 81.53 87.36 (6.7%)
911 1053 Ringling College of Art and Design 81.52 79.14 (3.0%)
912 1090 The University of Virginia's College at Wise 81.52 78.64 (3.7%)
913 1009 Farmingdale State College 81.51 79.84 (2.1%)
914 1815 Trinity Bible College and Graduate School 81.49 66.14 (23.2%)
915 N/A Thomas Jefferson University 81.41 Not Available
916 910 The University of Texas at Arlington 81.40 81.26 (0.2%)
917 658 Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts 81.40 84.49 (3.7%)
918 897 Columbus College of Art and Design 81.37 No Change
919 1894 Great Lakes Institute of Technology 81.34 64.58 (26.0%)
920 987 University of New England 81.34 80.05 (1.6%)

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