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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 73

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 73

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1441 N/A Saint Michael College of Allied Health 73.79 Not Available
1442 1447 Indiana University-East 73.78 73.46 (0.4%)
1443 1429 Kansas Wesleyan University 73.78 73.86 (0.1%)
1444 1400 East San Gabriel Valley Regional Occupational Program 73.77 74.27 (0.7%)
1445 1392 Olean Business Institute 73.76 74.38 (0.8%)
1446 2715 MiraCosta College 73.75 52.63 (40.1%)
1447 1393 Minnesota School of Business-Moorhead 73.74 74.37 (0.9%)
1448 1606 Northwest Christian University 73.73 70.67 (4.3%)
1449 646 Mount Angel Seminary 73.72 84.66 (12.9%)
1450 1375 FastTrain of Tampa 73.72 74.60 (1.2%)
1451 1721 Becker College 73.70 68.33 (7.9%)
1452 1736 Kauai Community College 73.70 68.01 (8.4%)
1453 1341 Lasell College 73.68 75.17 (2.0%)
1454 1410 Santa Fe University of Art and Design 73.68 74.12 (0.6%)
1455 1695 Virginia Union University 73.63 69.05 (6.6%)
1456 1413 Avila University 73.62 74.08 (0.6%)
1457 894 Bethel College-North Newton 73.61 81.46 (9.6%)
1458 1634 University of Houston-Victoria 73.59 70.06 (5.0%)
1459 1097 Northeastern Illinois University 73.59 78.55 (6.3%)
1460 1389 Judson College 73.57 74.41 (1.1%)

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