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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 74

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 74

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1461 907 Bais Binyomin Academy 73.57 81.29 (9.5%)
1462 1229 Kean University 73.56 76.88 (4.3%)
1463 1014 Clarks Summit University 73.55 79.73 (7.8%)
1464 1454 Bethany College 73.54 73.38 (0.2%)
1465 1738 Lee College 73.54 67.96 (8.2%)
1466 1232 Hawaii Pacific University 73.53 76.85 (4.3%)
1467 1457 Lincoln College of New England-Suffield 73.52 73.36 (0.2%)
1468 1157 Uintah Basin Technical College 73.52 77.76 (5.4%)
1469 809 SUNY Buffalo State 73.51 82.58 (11.0%)
1470 1345 La Roche University 73.51 75.14 (2.2%)
1471 1353 University of Saint Mary 73.50 74.92 (1.9%)
1472 1446 Dewey University-Hato Rey 73.47 No Change
1473 1401 FastTrain of Kendall 73.46 74.26 (1.1%)
1474 3583 EDIC College 73.44 40.53 (81.2%)
1475 1292 Bryan College-Dayton 73.43 75.89 (3.2%)
1476 1509 Brevard College 73.42 72.49 (1.3%)
1477 1474 Ohio Christian University 73.42 73.01 (0.6%)
1478 1330 East Central University 73.41 75.44 (2.7%)
1479 1130 Missouri Southern State University 73.36 78.21 (6.2%)
1480 2503 Mercy College of Health Sciences 73.34 55.19 (32.9%)

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