Washington Adventist University


Columbia Union College is a Christian college accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools, as well as the Adventist Accrediting Association of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Columbia Union offers associate degrees in five areas. They currently award six baccalaureate degrees, including five concentrations in their Business Administration degree. In addition to these undergraduate programs, Columbia Union provides continuing education credits for Registered Nurses, as well as three master’s offerings. Columbia Union is well known for its strength in its music departments and its exceptionally high pass rate on its students nursing boards.

Most Popular Fields of Study

Information Summary

Ranks 21st in Maryland and 1034th overall. See the entire top 2,000 colleges and universities list
Overall Score (about) 79.9
Total Cost On-Campus Attendance $35,570
Admission Success rate N/A
ACT / SAT 75%ile scores 20 / 1070
Student Ratio Students-to-Faculty 17 : 1
Retention (full-time / part-time) 79% / 75%
Enrollment Total (all students) 1,131


Columbia Union College, or CUC, has moved its application process online. In addition to a standard college application and transcript, CUC asks for an additional character recommendation form. They ask that it comes from a pastor, employer or coach, in order to enable the admissions office to get a clearer picture of who you are outside of your academics. CUC also requires a separate application for nursing students who are transferring into the college.

Regular applications should be received by beginning of August. The college does not provide for any early decision or early action applicants. Make sure to have your accompanying SAT I & SAT II scores in by the second week in August to complete your application.


College :: Washington Adventist University
Entrance :: Washington Adventist University

Financial Aid

Columbia Union College provides non need-based aid determined by: athletics, leadership, music/drama & academics. In addition, CUC provides state/district residency aid, determined by both need and merit. The financial aid office provides counseling and assistance in completion of FAFSA forms and applying for federal aid.

Student Financial Aid Details

Ranks 735th for the average student loan amount.
Secrets to getting the best scholarships and financial aid in Maryland.


Geographically located a mile from Washington, D.C., all first-year students are guaranteed on-campus housing. About a third of the undergraduate population lives in college housing. In a trend that many colleges are moving away from, CUC freshman are allowed to have their own car on campus.

CUC also provides four individual housing options outside of standard dormitory living. These include men’s housing, women’s housing, apartments for married students and a wellness option, which maintains an alcohol- and smoke-free environment.

As the school is closely associated with Seventh-Day Adventists, the college emphasizes its spiritual environment and provides for separate housing dorms based upon gender. Halcyon Hall serves as the crux of female student life at CUC; Morrison Hall caters to the men of CUC’s community.

Columbia Union also affords its students many wonderful worship opportunities. At the center of campus worship is the Sligo Seventh-day Adventist Church. The church serves as an important anchor in any CUC student’s life. Campus religious life is also fed by WGTS FM 91.9. As noted in its mission statement, WGTS FM 91.9 works to introduce CUC students into a relationship with Christian beliefs.

Student Enrollment Demographics

Student Graduation Demographics


Columbia Union fields teams in several sports. The men compete under the title of the Pioneers, whereas the women’s teams take the field as the Lady Pioneers. In men’s and women’s sports, the Pioneers compete in the Division II Independents/USCAA conference. Men’s baseball won the USCAA National title in 2008. Additionally, the Pioneers are major contenders in men’s and women’s cross country and soccer. Outside of its intercollegiate sports teams, Columbia Union also proudly supports the Acro-Airs. Classified as a sports-acrobatics team, the Acro-Airs combine traditional gymnastics, cheerleading, & European-style acro-gymnastics. The team travels the nation to promote a drug-free lifestyle in accordance with the Seventh-Day Adventist belief system that founded Columbia Union College.

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