Michigan State University College of Human Medicine


The aim of the College of Human Medicine at Michigan State University is to train primary care physicians in order to provide superior health care for everyone. To this end, the school seeks to educate and train competent physicians who are sensitive to the needs of the medically underserved residents of Michigan and who will respectfully and tactfully deal with patients and their families. It is essentially a large university operating in a small college setting. The university’s health care educational complex incorporates, in addition, an Allopathic Medical School, a College of Osteopathic Medicine, and a College of Veterinary Medicine.


4-year semimodern. The curriculum is divided into 3 blocks integrating the basic biological and behavioral sciences with clinical training and problem-solving skills. Block I: A 1-year discipline-based experience that provides an introduction to the fundamentals of the basic biological and psychological/social sciences, along with mentor group and early clinical skills training that includes patient contact. Block II: A 1-year experience in the second year that is problem-based and learner-centered with the majority of learning occurring in the small group setting. An extended curricular option for both Blocks I and II is offered at no extra cost. Block III: An 84-week experience that includes the traditional clinical clerkships plus core competency and primary care experiences. This period is spent in 1 of the 6 communities affiliated with the university. Students live in their assigned community for the total period of required clinical training. Electives may be taken elsewhere. The community physicians work closely with community-based faculty members of the college to provide a unique and highly relevant learning environment.

Unique Programs

Minority admissions: Amajor effort is made to include applicants from inadequately represented geographic, economic, and ethnic groups. Other degree programs: Combined MD-MA and MD-PhD programs available in basic and behavioral science departments by individual arrangement.


Requirements include the basic premedical science courses, 1 year of English and college algebra plus 8 credits of nonscience courses. Preference is given to applicants from Michigan. Enrollment of nonresidents is limited to no more than 20%. Selection based on GPA, MCAT scores, relevant work experience, and compatibility with the school’s primary care mission. Applicants who are highly motivated, have a good ability to communicate, manifest problem-solving skills, and demonstrate maturity are considered with favor. The class makeup is sought to be diverse in terms of background, talents and personalities. An interview is an essential component of the admission process. Transfer and advanced standing: Considered when vacancies exist.


All grading in the school is Honors/Pass/Fail. A total passing score on Steps 1 and 2 of the USMLE is required for promotion to the third year and graduation, respectively. Teaching: The primary facilities utilized in basic science instruction are Life Sciences Building, Fee Hall, and Giltner Hall. The Clinical Center is an ambulatory care facility where students are trained in clinical sciences during the first 2 years of the curriculum. Students receive their formal clinical training during the last 2 years in community settings in 18 hospitals in 6 Michigan communities. Library: Information not available. Housing: On-campus dormitory rooms and apartments for both single and married students. There is also a large selection of off-campus housing.

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