Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center


The first state-owned and operated rehabilitation center in the country, Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center provides an educational experience for people with disabilities who would like to enter the work force, learn a little, and find new and exciting ways to experience life more independently. Named after the former United States president who was born not far from the school’s campus, Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center provides a unique learning opportunity for those people who need a different kind of post-secondary education.

Programs at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center can be better broken down into vocational services and medical services. Vocational services programs include a comprehensive life skills transition program, counseling and case management, and even assistance finding a job, thanks to the comprehensive and very proactive Woodrow Wilson Center for Employment. After students complete their own specialized life skills transition program, designed around their needs and abilities, a vocational evaluation assists in determining what job path is fitting and appropriate. After this, the employment center does its best to assist with job interviews, placement, and acclimating to the workforce.

Other students attending Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center are not necessarily looking to join the working world. They are in search of the skills necessary to live more independent lives first. Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center provides a variety of different services, many geared around specific disabilities and charted to ensure that progress occurs for students at a rate that they will find rewarding and encouraging. Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center’s Brain Injury Services offers the physical therapy and encouragement needed for rehabilitation, including physical therapy, psychotherapy, support groups, and outpatient medical services. Each of the different departments for specific disabilities approaches learning and rehabilitation with the same approach of healing both the body and the mind, while making sure that there are many levels of emotional support for students during what is a very difficult time.

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Information Summary

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Overall Score (about) Insufficient Data
Admission Success rate N/A
Student Ratio Students-to-Faculty N/A
Retention (full-time / part-time) 81% / N/A
Enrollment Total (all students) 164


The application process to attend Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is considerably different than any admissions departments you might have experience with. Those with vocational goals are given preference, first and foremost, but this does not preclude other hopefuls in the least. Instead of providing your typical admissions materials, Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center has a number of specifics.

Applications who have a history of substance abuse must demonstrate six months of abstinence, consecutively, and also have completed a treatment program other than merely a 12-step support group. Applicants who have psychiatric diagnoses must show that they have remained stable in the community for at least six months before enrolling, though exceptions may easily be made if applicants are willing to participate in an outpatient evaluation as well as continue with therapy sessions. All applicants must be older than 18 , must provide documentation from physicians and mental health counselors that document their medical history, and must promise that their behavior will be beneficial for other students and not endanger anyone’s well-being or health.

Applicants to Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center must also prove, before starting their chosen program, that they have a plan for reintegration into the world afterwards, and must also provide proof of funding, which clearly shows how they will be paying for their time at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center.


building :: Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center
Campus :: Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center

Financial Aid

Many who have plans to attend Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center can receive assistance financially from Medicaid, Anthem, or Medicare. Since this is not a traditional school program, there is not the traditional FAFSA form to complete, but medical alternatives do exist. Many insurance companies will cover the time spent at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, but it is best to check with them first so that you can confirm you have your costs covered. Per the admissions standards, all students must be able to prove that they can pay for Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center before they start the program. This is a nonnegotiable. However, the admissions office can often assist in pointing prospective attendees in the right direction to find a source of funding, whether through a humanitarian organization or through a loans program.

Student Financial Aid Details

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Life on campus at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is designed to be fun and socially integrated. Students can make use of the media/resource center, where everything from computers for student used to thousands of fiction and nonfiction books are available. Students can also borrow media equipment, including laptops, TVs and VCRs, though most of these resources are for classroom use only. There are a number of specific pieces of media equipment designed only for blind students.

On-campus life also includes a number of exciting nightly activities, including regular talks and book discussion groups in the library and Employer Panels, where students can talk to local businesses and start on their way to finding a job after completion of their program. There are also a number of recreational activities for students to choose from, including various pottery and music classes.

Student Enrollment Demographics


While there is extensive physical therapy and options to work on one’s health and strength, there are no official athletic programs at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center. However, there are number of structured athletic activities that students can participate in, after their abilities are assessed by physicians. a

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