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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 23

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 23

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
441 449 Bethel University $51,700 $44,300 (16.7%)
442 406 Endicott College $51,674 $45,536 (13.5%)
443 404 Notre Dame of Maryland University $51,670 $45,650 (13.2%)
444 400 Felician University $51,550 $45,800 (12.6%)
445 504 Southern New Hampshire University $51,538 $43,056 (19.7%)
446 491 Cazenovia College $51,526 $43,290 (19.0%)
447 572 Eastern Mennonite University $51,500 $41,500 (24.1%)
448 463 Seton Hill University $51,432 $43,900 (17.2%)
449 494 Laguna College of Art and Design $51,400 $43,238 (18.9%)
450 490 Bridgewater College $51,310 $43,310 (18.5%)
451 436 Point Loma Nazarene University $51,308 $44,593 (15.1%)
452 493 Alvernia University $51,240 $43,250 (18.5%)
453 389 Elmhurst College $51,199 $46,000 (11.3%)
454 403 Sierra Nevada College $51,198 $45,759 (11.9%)
455 509 Warren Wilson College $51,100 $43,000 (18.8%)
456 424 Le Moyne College $51,100 $44,900 (13.8%)
457 233 Corcoran College of Art and Design $51,080 No Change
458 481 Elon University $51,049 $43,546 (17.2%)
459 354 LIM College $50,980 $47,095 (8.2%)
460 N/A Bay Atlantic University $50,958 Not Available

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