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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 35

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 35

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
681 1488 The King's College 84.33 72.89 (15.7%)
682 831 Pontifical College Josephinum 84.33 82.22 (2.6%)
683 392 Mills College 84.31 88.72 (5.0%)
684 369 Knox College 84.30 89.16 (5.5%)
685 573 William Jewell College 84.28 85.65 (1.6%)
686 622 Winona State University 84.27 85.03 (0.9%)
687 1084 Northwest Missouri State University 84.27 78.70 (7.1%)
688 1066 Vermont Technical College 84.27 79.00 (6.7%)
689 544 Oral Roberts University 84.26 86.12 (2.2%)
690 859 Suffolk University 84.25 81.92 (2.8%)
691 776 College of the Atlantic 84.24 83.01 (1.5%)
692 640 Millersville University of Pennsylvania 84.23 84.74 (0.6%)
693 1123 Keiser University-Ft Lauderdale 84.20 78.27 (7.6%)
694 1269 Carlow University 84.19 76.18 (10.5%)
695 843 Wentworth Institute of Technology 84.19 82.12 (2.5%)
696 691 Clarkson College 84.19 84.09 (0.1%)
697 N/A University of Houston-Clear Lake 84.18 Not Available
698 660 Winston-Salem State University 84.17 84.46 (0.3%)
699 708 SUNY at Purchase College 84.16 83.86 (0.4%)
700 710 Tuskegee University 84.11 83.81 (0.4%)

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