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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 16

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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 16

Rank Private Colleges and Universities
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
301 346 Alma College 87.15 86.35 (0.9%)
302 448 Cleveland Institute of Art 87.13 83.76 (4.0%)
303 412 Bellin College 87.11 84.64 (2.9%)
304 352 Canisius College 87.11 86.23 (1.0%)
305 364 Centenary College of Louisiana 87.11 85.87 (1.4%)
306 550 Queens University of Charlotte 87.04 80.83 (7.7%)
307 301 The Juilliard School 87.01 87.45 (0.5%)
308 362 The College of Saint Scholastica 87.00 85.92 (1.3%)
309 418 Jacksonville University 86.99 84.56 (2.9%)
310 399 Regis College 86.96 85.00 (2.3%)
311 277 University of Lynchburg 86.95 88.19 (1.4%)
312 275 Loras College 86.95 88.27 (1.5%)
313 305 Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles 86.93 87.38 (0.5%)
314 336 Azusa Pacific University 86.92 86.75 (0.2%)
315 320 Polytechnic Institute of New York University 86.91 87.14 (0.3%)
316 321 Aquinas College 86.87 87.10 (0.3%)
317 285 University of San Francisco 86.86 88.05 (1.4%)
318 397 Monmouth University 86.82 85.07 (2.1%)
319 437 Elmira College 86.80 84.04 (3.3%)
320 791 Sarah Lawrence College 86.78 74.61 (16.3%)

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