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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 19

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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 19

Rank Private Colleges and Universities
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
361 410 Nebraska Wesleyan University 85.67 84.67 (1.2%)
362 284 Illinois College 85.63 88.08 (2.8%)
363 631 Yeshiva of Nitra Rabbinical College 85.62 78.68 (8.8%)
364 460 Robert Morris University 85.61 83.46 (2.6%)
365 440 Trinity Christian College 85.59 83.92 (2.0%)
366 165 Quinnipiac University 85.58 92.10 (7.1%)
367 360 Hampton University 85.56 85.95 (0.5%)
368 661 Fisk University 85.56 77.90 (9.8%)
369 291 Wartburg College 85.54 87.76 (2.5%)
370 373 Rabbinical College of Ch'san Sofer New York 85.53 No Change
371 838 Moravian College 85.52 73.34 (16.6%)
372 476 Bethany Lutheran College 85.52 83.12 (2.9%)
373 416 Benedictine College 85.46 84.61 (1.0%)
374 419 North Greenville University 85.43 84.51 (1.1%)
375 655 Wesleyan College 85.42 78.05 (9.5%)
376 525 William Carey University 85.40 81.68 (4.6%)
377 426 Carthage College 85.40 84.39 (1.2%)
378 877 Lincoln Christian University 85.38 72.39 (17.9%)
379 287 Belmont University 85.32 87.87 (2.9%)
380 232 Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Detroit 85.29 89.61 (4.8%)

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