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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Enrollment - Page 25

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Enrollment - Page 25

Rank Highest Enrollment
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
481 581 Pasco-Hernando State College 11,525 10,206 (12.9%)
482 493 North Lake College 11,512 11,365 (1.3%)
483 562 Northeast Wisconsin Technical College 11,505 10,441 (10.2%)
484 442 University of Central Missouri 11,487 12,513 (8.2%)
485 353 Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus 11,483 14,925 (23.1%)
486 1462 Campbellsville University 11,470 3,520 (225.9%)
487 586 New Jersey Institute of Technology 11,423 10,130 (12.8%)
488 526 Park University 11,415 10,978 (4.0%)
489 645 College of the Desert 11,412 9,259 (23.3%)
490 271 Webster University 11,406 17,904 (36.3%)
491 504 University of Maine 11,404 11,247 (1.4%)
492 528 Santiago Canyon College 11,373 10,939 (4.0%)
493 400 Cabrillo College 11,321 13,666 (17.2%)
494 420 Delaware County Community College 11,314 13,198 (14.3%)
495 535 Allan Hancock College 11,285 10,885 (3.7%)
496 1085 National University College 11,260 5,213 (116.0%)
497 540 University of Dayton 11,241 10,835 (3.7%)
498 470 Valdosta State University 11,211 11,885 (5.7%)
499 509 Utah State University-Regional Campuses and Distance Education 11,207 No Change
500 396 Reedley College 11,189 13,807 (19.0%)

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