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College Rankings

Top Ranked Universities in Tennessee - Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores

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Top Ranked Universities in Tennessee - Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores

Rank in Tennessee Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1 1 Vanderbilt University 1560 1570 (0.6%)
2 2 Rhodes College 1410 1370 (2.9%)
3 3 Union University 1360 1350 (0.7%)
4 7 The University of Tennessee-Knoxville 1330 1290 (3.1%)
5 4 The University of the South 1320 No Change
6 6 Lipscomb University 1320 1300 (1.5%)
7 N/A Milligan College 1310 Not Available
8 15 Freed-Hardeman University 1300 1170 (11.1%)
9 8 Belmont University 1300 1270 (2.4%)
10 5 Visible Music College 1270 1320 (3.8%)
11 10 Bryan College-Dayton 1262 1200 (5.2%)
12 9 Tennessee Technological University 1260 1250 (0.8%)
13 19 Middle Tennessee State University 1240 1150 (7.8%)
14 21 Johnson University 1240 1130 (9.7%)
15 17 Trevecca Nazarene University 1240 1160 (6.9%)
16 12 Lee University 1220 1180 (3.4%)
17 14 The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga 1210 1180 (2.5%)
18 11 University of Memphis 1210 1200 (0.8%)
19 32 Lincoln Memorial University 1198 1040 (15.2%)
20 24 East Tennessee State University 1180 1100 (7.3%)

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