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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 22

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 22

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
421 401 Saint Joseph's College of Maine $52,230 $45,790 (14.1%)
422 444 University of Evansville $52,190 $44,370 (17.6%)
423 355 St Catherine University $52,164 $47,012 (11.0%)
424 453 Citadel Military College of South Carolina $52,135 $44,243 (17.8%)
425 386 Chatham University $52,131 $46,162 (12.9%)
426 418 Central College $52,098 $45,151 (15.4%)
427 427 College of Mount Saint Vincent $52,065 $44,835 (16.1%)
428 489 Simpson College $52,040 $43,350 (20.0%)
429 610 Florida Southern College $52,020 $40,700 (27.8%)
430 370 Marywood University $51,960 $46,556 (11.6%)
431 456 Hanover College $51,950 $44,150 (17.7%)
432 480 Concordia University-Irvine $51,930 $43,550 (19.2%)
433 458 Georgetown College $51,930 $44,110 (17.7%)
434 264 University of Saint Joseph $51,901 $49,923 (4.0%)
435 618 University of Hawaii at Manoa $51,890 $40,564 (27.9%)
436 471 Molloy College $51,856 $43,718 (18.6%)
437 511 Concordia College at Moorhead $51,798 $42,964 (20.6%)
438 513 University of Maryland-College Park $51,767 $42,920 (20.6%)
439 492 Georgian Court University $51,734 $43,276 (19.5%)
440 204 New York School of Interior Design $51,734 $52,540 (1.5%)

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