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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores - Page 15

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores - Page 15

Rank Highest SAT 75th Percentile Scores
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
281 261 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 1310 1270 (3.1%)
282 320 Luther College 1310 1248 (5.0%)
283 361 University of Dayton 1310 1230 (6.5%)
284 385 Seton Hall University 1310 1220 (7.4%)
285 195 Willamette University 1310 No Change
286 290 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 1310 1260 (4.0%)
287 224 Transylvania University 1310 1290 (1.6%)
288 271 Berry College 1310 1270 (3.1%)
289 292 University of the Sciences 1310 1260 (4.0%)
290 273 Auburn University 1310 1270 (3.1%)
291 295 Loyola University Chicago 1310 1260 (4.0%)
292 373 Saint Anselm College 1310 1230 (6.5%)
293 274 Pratt Institute-Main 1310 1270 (3.1%)
294 397 Arizona State University-Polytechnic 1310 1220 (7.4%)
295 375 The King's College 1310 1230 (6.5%)
296 N/A Milligan College 1310 Not Available
297 842 College of the Ozarks 1300 1108 (17.3%)
298 1090 West Liberty University 1300 1040 (25.0%)
299 303 Harding University 1300 1250 (4.0%)
300 377 Principia College 1300 1223 (6.3%)

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