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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 48

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 48

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
941 1083 Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia 81.08 78.71 (3.0%)
942 881 Kennesaw State University 81.08 81.65 (0.7%)
943 1842 Ozark Christian College 81.07 65.65 (23.5%)
944 1051 University of New Orleans 81.04 79.16 (2.4%)
945 1096 Paul Smiths College of Arts and Science 80.98 78.56 (3.1%)
946 892 Western Illinois University 80.93 81.49 (0.7%)
947 986 Malone University 80.85 80.05 (1.0%)
948 1056 Spalding University 80.84 79.13 (2.2%)
949 1018 SUNY College at Old Westbury 80.84 79.70 (1.4%)
950 885 California State University-Los Angeles 80.83 81.59 (0.9%)
951 1194 Columbus State University 80.83 77.32 (4.5%)
952 837 DigiPen Institute of Technology 80.81 82.16 (1.6%)
953 1593 SUNY College of Technology at Canton 80.79 70.88 (14.0%)
954 1077 University of Louisiana at Monroe 80.78 78.78 (2.5%)
955 1911 Purdue University Global-Augusta 80.75 64.19 (25.8%)
956 1681 New York School of Interior Design 80.72 69.21 (16.6%)
957 705 Clarke University 80.71 83.87 (3.8%)
958 1122 Lancaster Bible College 80.68 78.28 (3.1%)
959 654 University of Mobile 80.67 84.61 (4.7%)
960 1136 Arkansas Tech University 80.65 78.10 (3.3%)

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