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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 62

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 62

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1221 1216 Austin Peay State University 77.39 77.01 (0.5%)
1222 1338 Concordia University-Irvine 77.34 75.24 (2.8%)
1223 1186 Pfeiffer University 77.33 No Change
1224 2380 Shasta Bible College and Graduate School 77.29 56.52 (36.8%)
1225 1376 University of Sioux Falls 77.28 74.59 (3.6%)
1226 1268 Beacon College 77.25 76.19 (1.4%)
1227 941 Northeastern State University 77.25 80.76 (4.3%)
1228 1441 Presentation College 77.24 73.59 (5.0%)
1229 1199 Texas A & M University-Commerce 77.20 No Change
1230 1308 Kentucky Wesleyan College 77.19 75.69 (2.0%)
1231 1253 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 77.18 76.42 (1.0%)
1232 1946 Bais HaMedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore 77.18 63.59 (21.4%)
1233 1019 Triangle Tech Inc-Erie 77.18 79.69 (3.2%)
1234 1133 Mount Marty College 77.15 78.15 (1.3%)
1235 1091 St Francis College 77.15 78.63 (1.9%)
1236 521 Bethel College-Indiana 77.14 86.59 (10.9%)
1237 1153 University of Mary 77.10 77.85 (1.0%)
1238 1002 Virginia Wesleyan University 77.09 79.88 (3.5%)
1239 1545 Concordia University-Saint Paul 77.08 71.83 (7.3%)
1240 1214 Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis 77.03 No Change

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