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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 58

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 58

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1141 1113 College of Our Lady of the Elms 78.49 78.37 (0.1%)
1142 1046 Purdue University-Calumet Campus 78.49 79.21 (0.9%)
1143 1522 School of Automotive Machinists & Technology 78.48 72.32 (8.5%)
1144 955 Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary 78.47 80.43 (2.4%)
1145 872 Blackburn College 78.45 81.76 (4.0%)
1146 790 Campbell University 78.44 82.85 (5.3%)
1147 1098 Lincoln University 78.42 78.53 (0.1%)
1148 937 California Baptist University 78.40 80.89 (3.1%)
1149 1483 University of Alaska Southeast 78.36 72.94 (7.4%)
1150 928 Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College 78.35 81.04 (3.3%)
1151 924 Assumption College 78.35 81.07 (3.4%)
1152 851 Johnson College 78.35 82.04 (4.5%)
1153 898 Manchester University 78.32 81.40 (3.8%)
1154 1128 McNeese State University 78.29 No Change
1155 1843 Wright State University-Main Campus 78.28 65.65 (19.2%)
1156 1468 University of Houston-Downtown 78.26 73.23 (6.9%)
1157 1334 Chicago State University 78.25 75.36 (3.8%)
1158 1089 Sage College of Albany 78.24 78.66 (0.5%)
1159 1240 College for Creative Studies 78.23 76.76 (1.9%)
1160 1351 Lewis-Clark State College 78.21 74.99 (4.3%)

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