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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 56

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 56

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1101 1114 SUNY College at Potsdam 79.03 78.36 (0.8%)
1102 999 Lubbock Christian University 79.02 79.91 (1.1%)
1103 1571 Wilson College 79.00 71.38 (10.7%)
1104 761 Agnes Scott College 79.00 83.21 (5.1%)
1105 985 Framingham State University 78.97 80.06 (1.4%)
1106 1437 McPherson College 78.95 73.67 (7.2%)
1107 744 Oklahoma Baptist University 78.91 83.35 (5.3%)
1108 1059 Rabbinical Academy Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin 78.91 79.06 (0.2%)
1109 854 University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus 78.89 81.95 (3.7%)
1110 800 La Sierra University 78.87 82.75 (4.7%)
1111 1610 Eagle Gate College-Layton 78.86 70.61 (11.7%)
1112 1342 Lenoir-Rhyne University 78.86 75.17 (4.9%)
1113 1273 Berklee College of Music 78.85 76.14 (3.6%)
1114 600 Prescott College 78.80 85.35 (7.7%)
1115 1237 Valley City State University 78.77 76.78 (2.6%)
1116 1578 Fort Valley State University 78.76 71.18 (10.6%)
1117 1863 Southeastern College-West Palm Beach 78.75 65.19 (20.8%)
1118 1286 Manhattan School of Music 78.73 75.97 (3.6%)
1119 1267 Alvernia University 78.72 76.20 (3.3%)
1120 990 East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania 78.70 80.00 (1.6%)

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