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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 57

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 57

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1121 1861 North Central Institute 78.68 65.26 (20.6%)
1122 2919 Lincoln University 78.67 50.10 (57.0%)
1123 1619 J F Ingram State Technical College 78.66 70.47 (11.6%)
1124 1142 Moraine Park Technical College 78.62 78.02 (0.8%)
1125 N/A Northwestern Michigan College 78.61 Not Available
1126 1217 University of the Incarnate Word 78.61 76.99 (2.1%)
1127 1255 Saint Mary's University of Minnesota 78.61 76.37 (2.9%)
1128 1146 Columbia College 78.61 77.96 (0.8%)
1129 609 Colorado School of Trades 78.60 85.23 (7.8%)
1130 1225 University of Central Oklahoma 78.60 76.91 (2.2%)
1131 424 Mount Mercy University 78.59 88.10 (10.8%)
1132 1156 Woodbury University 78.56 77.76 (1.0%)
1133 1297 John Paul the Great Catholic University 78.55 75.84 (3.6%)
1134 971 The University of Texas at Tyler 78.54 80.18 (2.0%)
1135 943 Morningside College 78.54 80.71 (2.7%)
1136 1254 Texas A & M University-Kingsville 78.53 76.37 (2.8%)
1137 533 University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg 78.53 86.35 (9.1%)
1138 848 Humboldt State University 78.52 82.07 (4.3%)
1139 3977 Purdue University Global-Davenport 78.50 25.19 (211.7%)
1140 827 The Evergreen State College 78.50 82.33 (4.6%)

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