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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 99

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 99

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1961 1916 Tennessee Temple University 63.99 64.08 (0.1%)
1962 2860 Naropa University 63.98 50.83 (25.9%)
1963 1846 Spartanburg Methodist College 63.97 65.58 (2.5%)
1964 2512 James Sprunt Community College 63.96 55.02 (16.2%)
1965 3776 Gwinnett College-Lilburn 63.92 35.40 (80.6%)
1966 2351 Texas Southmost College 63.92 56.84 (12.5%)
1967 2497 Arkansas State University-Beebe 63.92 55.24 (15.7%)
1968 1951 Brightwood College-Los Angeles-Van Nuys 63.89 63.52 (0.6%)
1969 2370 Kankakee Community College 63.89 56.60 (12.9%)
1970 1835 Folsom Lake College 63.88 65.74 (2.8%)
1971 1802 Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte 63.88 66.36 (3.7%)
1972 2569 Chesapeake College 63.85 54.40 (17.4%)
1973 1938 Southwest Institute of Technology 63.84 63.71 (0.2%)
1974 3058 Anoka Technical College 63.83 48.53 (31.5%)
1975 1957 Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-San Francisco 63.83 63.47 (0.6%)
1976 1986 Atlantic University College 63.81 62.77 (1.7%)
1977 1805 Cankdeska Cikana Community College 63.80 66.29 (3.8%)
1978 2893 Ancilla College 63.78 50.52 (26.2%)
1979 1892 Career Point College 63.77 64.61 (1.3%)
1980 2637 Bladen Community College 63.75 53.48 (19.2%)

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