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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 17

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 17

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
321 478 University of Kansas 89.69 87.04 (3.0%)
322 359 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 89.69 89.18 (0.6%)
323 326 Saint Norbert College 89.63 No Change
324 276 Bryant University 89.62 90.48 (1.0%)
325 426 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg 89.47 87.76 (2.0%)
326 428 University of Mary Washington 89.47 87.74 (2.0%)
327 374 Milwaukee School of Engineering 89.45 88.89 (0.6%)
328 212 Heritage Christian University 89.43 92.15 (2.9%)
329 520 Shenandoah University 89.42 86.32 (3.6%)
330 206 SUNY College at Geneseo 89.41 92.29 (3.1%)
331 296 Ohio State University-Main Campus 89.38 90.07 (0.8%)
332 566 Whitworth University 89.37 85.48 (4.6%)
333 320 University at Buffalo 89.37 89.74 (0.4%)
334 396 University of Missouri-Columbia 89.32 88.34 (1.1%)
335 341 University of New Hampshire-Main Campus 89.29 No Change
336 288 Roanoke College 89.28 90.21 (1.0%)
337 248 New College of Florida 89.26 91.12 (2.0%)
338 338 Mississippi State University 89.24 89.40 (0.2%)
339 370 Temple University 89.23 88.97 (0.3%)
340 582 Ouachita Baptist University 89.22 85.33 (4.6%)

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