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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 20

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 20

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
381 366 Ithaca College 88.55 89.02 (0.5%)
382 1100 Alaska Pacific University 88.53 77.61 (14.1%)
383 587 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre 88.52 85.23 (3.9%)
384 389 University of Hawaii at Manoa 88.49 No Change
385 450 University of Cincinnati-Main Campus 88.47 87.39 (1.2%)
386 373 Franciscan University of Steubenville 88.47 88.90 (0.5%)
387 388 St Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary 88.46 88.61 (0.2%)
388 514 The University of Findlay 88.46 86.39 (2.4%)
389 392 Gutenberg College 88.44 No Change
390 229 Westmont College 88.44 91.69 (3.5%)
391 622 High Point University 88.42 84.67 (4.4%)
392 386 Bryan College of Health Sciences 88.35 88.64 (0.3%)
393 378 Birmingham Southern College 88.35 88.78 (0.5%)
394 562 Otterbein University 88.32 85.55 (3.2%)
395 416 East Carolina University 88.26 88.05 (0.2%)
396 442 San Diego State University 88.24 87.46 (0.9%)
397 537 Western New England University 88.24 85.96 (2.7%)
398 315 State University of New York at New Paltz 88.23 89.80 (1.7%)
399 314 South Dakota School of Mines and Technology 88.23 89.83 (1.8%)
400 755 Meredith College 88.17 82.85 (6.4%)

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