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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 17

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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 17

Rank Private Colleges and Universities
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
321 187 Hanover College 86.78 90.88 (4.5%)
322 196 Albion College 86.70 90.59 (4.3%)
323 224 John Carroll University 86.65 89.79 (3.5%)
324 234 Roberts Wesleyan College 86.60 89.42 (3.2%)
325 N/A Bob Jones University 86.60 85.28 (1.5%)
326 382 Millikin University 86.54 85.39 (1.4%)
327 394 Hofstra University 86.53 85.16 (1.6%)
328 247 University of Redlands 86.51 89.19 (3.0%)
329 404 Juniata College 86.50 84.85 (1.9%)
330 309 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott 86.48 87.35 (1.0%)
331 505 Catawba College 86.47 82.21 (5.2%)
332 304 Saint Vincent College 86.44 87.40 (1.1%)
333 341 Coe College 86.43 86.53 (0.1%)
334 248 Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 86.39 89.19 (3.1%)
335 286 Morehouse College 86.36 87.92 (1.8%)
336 405 St John's University-New York 86.34 84.80 (1.8%)
337 358 Bard College 86.32 86.00 (0.4%)
338 255 Presbyterian College 86.26 88.99 (3.1%)
339 634 Mississippi College 86.23 78.60 (9.7%)
340 310 Mercyhurst University 86.13 87.34 (1.4%)

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