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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 21

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Top 500 Ranked Private Colleges and Universities - Page 21

Rank Private Colleges and Universities
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
401 192 MCPHS University 84.92 90.71 (6.4%)
402 366 Kenrick Glennon Seminary 84.89 85.83 (1.1%)
403 379 DeSales University 84.88 85.45 (0.7%)
404 473 Niagara University 84.84 83.16 (2.0%)
405 433 John Brown University 84.83 84.09 (0.9%)
406 608 Gardner-Webb University 84.80 79.21 (7.1%)
407 656 Cedar Crest College 84.75 78.04 (8.6%)
408 402 Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Nursing 84.68 84.92 (0.3%)
409 845 Talmudical Institute of Upstate New York 84.67 73.11 (15.8%)
410 333 Wisconsin Lutheran College 84.67 86.85 (2.5%)
411 503 St. Mary's University 84.62 82.29 (2.8%)
412 466 Franklin College 84.62 83.29 (1.6%)
413 403 North Central College 84.58 84.88 (0.3%)
414 717 Appalachian Bible College 84.57 76.45 (10.6%)
415 516 The Master's University and Seminary 84.54 81.89 (3.2%)
416 414 Oglethorpe University 84.53 84.62 (0.1%)
417 392 Clark University 84.52 85.18 (0.8%)
418 337 Northwestern College 84.51 86.67 (2.5%)
419 710 Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion 84.44 76.77 (10.0%)
420 300 George Fox University 84.43 87.45 (3.5%)

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