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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Enrollment - Page 20

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Enrollment - Page 20

Rank Highest Enrollment
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
381 365 North Dakota State University-Main Campus 13,796 14,629 (5.7%)
382 305 Grand Rapids Community College 13,788 16,590 (16.9%)
383 388 University of Maryland-Baltimore County 13,767 13,908 (1.0%)
384 318 Moraine Valley Community College 13,762 16,106 (14.6%)
385 355 Daytona State College 13,737 14,865 (7.6%)
386 467 University of West Georgia 13,733 11,929 (15.1%)
387 452 Brookhaven College 13,726 12,319 (11.4%)
388 367 MiraCosta College 13,720 14,537 (5.6%)
389 405 Arkansas State University-Main Campus 13,709 13,552 (1.2%)
390 357 William Rainey Harper College 13,530 14,830 (8.8%)
391 1140 University of the Cumberlands 13,472 4,924 (173.6%)
392 508 Rutgers University-Newark 13,451 11,212 (20.0%)
393 435 University of Northern Colorado 13,437 12,710 (5.7%)
394 462 Yale University 13,433 12,109 (10.9%)
395 433 University of Vermont 13,395 12,723 (5.3%)
396 390 Los Angeles Trade Technical College 13,357 13,879 (3.8%)
397 324 Bergen Community College 13,352 15,882 (15.9%)
398 438 Pace University 13,326 12,624 (5.6%)
399 425 Ventura College 13,312 12,908 (3.1%)
400 392 Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville 13,281 13,850 (4.1%)

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