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College Rankings

Top Ranked Universities in New York - Highest Enrollment

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Top Ranked Universities in New York - Highest Enrollment

Rank in New York Highest Enrollment
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1 1 New York University 51,847 44,599 (16.3%)
2 3 University at Buffalo 31,503 29,850 (5.5%)
3 4 Columbia University in the City of New York 31,077 26,957 (15.3%)
4 2 Excelsior College 30,008 39,897 (24.8%)
5 6 CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College 26,506 24,186 (9.6%)
6 7 Stony Brook University 26,256 24,143 (8.8%)
7 5 Suffolk County Community College 26,078 26,711 (2.4%)
8 10 Cornell University 23,600 21,593 (9.3%)
9 9 CUNY Hunter College 23,202 23,019 (0.8%)
10 11 Syracuse University 22,803 21,267 (7.2%)
11 12 St John's University-New York 21,635 20,729 (4.4%)
12 14 CUNY Queens College 19,746 18,974 (4.1%)
13 13 CUNY LaGuardia Community College 19,300 19,564 (1.3%)
14 18 CUNY Brooklyn College 18,161 17,004 (6.8%)
15 16 CUNY Bernard M Baruch College 18,029 17,505 (3.0%)
16 17 SUNY at Albany 17,944 17,338 (3.5%)
17 23 Binghamton University 17,768 16,077 (10.5%)
18 8 Nassau Community College 17,406 23,318 (25.4%)
19 19 CUNY New York City College of Technology 17,269 16,860 (2.4%)
20 25 Fordham University 16,515 15,097 (9.4%)

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