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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 11

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 11

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
201 815 Sinte Gleska University 92.58 81.93 (13.0%)
202 222 California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo 92.47 91.87 (0.7%)
203 166 Luther College 92.46 93.30 (0.9%)
204 214 Concordia College at Moorhead 92.45 92.12 (0.4%)
205 210 University of Evansville 92.41 92.23 (0.2%)
206 225 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 92.37 91.82 (0.6%)
207 145 Allegheny College 92.35 93.95 (1.7%)
208 189 George Washington University 92.34 92.89 (0.6%)
209 230 University of San Diego 92.29 91.68 (0.7%)
210 364 Oregon State University 92.29 89.12 (3.5%)
211 223 University of California-Davis 92.26 91.86 (0.4%)
212 199 New York University 92.26 92.57 (0.3%)
213 176 University of Scranton 92.25 93.13 (0.9%)
214 344 Augustana University 92.23 89.28 (3.3%)
215 277 Catholic University of America 92.21 90.46 (1.9%)
216 205 Appalachian State University 92.21 92.35 (0.1%)
217 165 University of Portland 92.19 93.30 (1.2%)
218 193 University of the Sciences 92.18 92.80 (0.7%)
219 381 Washington College 92.15 88.73 (3.8%)
220 238 University of Colorado Boulder 92.13 91.47 (0.7%)

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