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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 10

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 10

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
181 236 Florida State University 93.08 91.47 (1.8%)
182 161 University of Utah 93.07 93.42 (0.4%)
183 153 American University 93.05 93.75 (0.7%)
184 308 Harding University 93.05 89.93 (3.5%)
185 133 Calvin College 93.04 94.15 (1.2%)
186 170 University of Wisconsin-Madison 92.89 93.23 (0.4%)
187 94 University of Puget Sound 92.88 95.31 (2.5%)
188 171 Clarkson University 92.86 93.22 (0.4%)
189 499 Wheaton College 92.84 86.78 (7.0%)
190 285 Berry College 92.80 90.32 (2.7%)
191 198 University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus 92.80 92.61 (0.2%)
192 208 Michigan Technological University 92.78 92.24 (0.6%)
193 286 Rhode Island School of Design 92.77 90.29 (2.7%)
194 299 Howard University 92.77 90.05 (3.0%)
195 139 Willamette University 92.68 94.04 (1.4%)
196 219 Siena College 92.66 91.92 (0.8%)
197 116 Stevens Institute of Technology 92.66 94.58 (2.0%)
198 207 Ohio Northern University 92.62 92.29 (0.4%)
199 194 James Madison University 92.60 92.79 (0.2%)
200 209 University of Rochester 92.59 92.24 (0.4%)

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