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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 24

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 24

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
461 443 University of Oregon $50,946 $44,377 (14.8%)
462 595 Sterling College $50,900 $41,092 (23.9%)
463 562 Auburn University $50,838 $41,794 (21.6%)
464 473 Naropa University $50,810 $43,620 (16.5%)
465 558 Emory & Henry College $50,800 $41,866 (21.3%)
466 557 Meredith College $50,796 $41,878 (21.3%)
467 590 Marymount University $50,766 $41,160 (23.3%)
468 429 Maine College of Art $50,690 $44,740 (13.3%)
469 425 Gordon College $50,670 $44,860 (13.0%)
470 468 Caldwell University $50,640 $43,800 (15.6%)
471 360 Mitchell College $50,600 $46,750 (8.2%)
472 476 Nova Southeastern University $50,597 $43,580 (16.1%)
473 438 Bay Path University $50,524 $44,559 (13.4%)
474 455 Virginia Wesleyan University $50,517 $44,190 (14.3%)
475 247 LIU Brooklyn $50,514 No Change
476 577 Johnson & Wales University-Providence $50,454 $41,461 (21.7%)
477 1239 American Academy of Dramatic Arts-Los Angeles $50,385 $31,220 (61.4%)
478 392 Green Mountain College $50,352 $45,988 (9.5%)
479 507 The College of Saint Scholastica $50,352 $43,008 (17.1%)
480 447 Capital University $50,334 $44,350 (13.5%)

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