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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 44

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 44

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
861 1006 California State University-Channel Islands 82.16 79.86 (2.9%)
862 595 Salem College 82.15 85.39 (3.8%)
863 1443 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Scranton 82.15 73.55 (11.7%)
864 727 Emmanuel College 82.15 83.62 (1.8%)
865 1147 McKendree University 82.14 77.92 (5.4%)
866 853 University of Indianapolis 82.08 81.97 (0.1%)
867 976 University of North Carolina at Pembroke 82.08 80.14 (2.4%)
868 1285 Young Harris College 82.08 75.99 (8.0%)
869 755 University of Wisconsin-Stout 82.08 83.25 (1.4%)
870 884 Aquinas College 82.07 81.59 (0.6%)
871 836 University of Arkansas at Little Rock 82.06 82.19 (0.2%)
872 1069 SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill 82.06 78.98 (3.9%)
873 718 Emory & Henry College 82.06 83.69 (2.0%)
874 689 University of New Mexico-Main Campus 82.05 84.10 (2.4%)
875 834 South College-Asheville 82.04 82.19 (0.2%)
876 1062 Lee University 82.03 79.04 (3.8%)
877 1102 East Tennessee State University 82.01 78.50 (4.5%)
878 1523 Central Methodist University-College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 82.00 72.31 (13.4%)
879 491 Oklahoma Christian University 81.96 87.07 (5.9%)
880 534 SUNY College at Brockport 81.95 86.34 (5.1%)

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