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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 55

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Top 2000 Ranked Colleges - Highest Overall School Score - Page 55

Rank Highest Overall School Score
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
1081 874 Fontbonne University 79.29 81.74 (3.0%)
1082 823 California State University-San Marcos 79.27 82.35 (3.7%)
1083 849 Cornerstone University 79.26 82.06 (3.4%)
1084 861 Concordia University-Chicago 79.26 81.91 (3.2%)
1085 1126 Union College 79.25 78.24 (1.3%)
1086 972 University of Colorado Colorado Springs 79.21 80.17 (1.2%)
1087 940 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 79.20 80.76 (1.9%)
1088 1164 Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Brandywine 79.20 77.65 (2.0%)
1089 1316 MacMurray College 79.18 75.59 (4.8%)
1090 2324 Colorado Academy of Veterinary Technology 79.16 57.11 (38.6%)
1091 1276 Mary Baldwin University 79.14 76.10 (4.0%)
1092 978 Norfolk State University 79.13 80.12 (1.2%)
1093 1079 Eastern Oregon University 79.12 78.74 (0.5%)
1094 798 Southwestern Oklahoma State University 79.10 82.78 (4.4%)
1095 1068 The Boston Conservatory 79.10 78.99 (0.1%)
1096 1326 Boise Bible College 79.08 75.46 (4.8%)
1097 1568 Adrian College 79.07 71.46 (10.6%)
1098 1063 Francis Marion University 79.04 No Change
1099 953 Northwestern State University of Louisiana 79.04 80.49 (1.8%)
1100 909 Mansfield University of Pennsylvania 79.04 81.27 (2.7%)

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