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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 16

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above - Page 16

Rank Colleges and Universities, Four-Year or Above
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
301 74 Beloit College 90.19 95.89 (5.9%)
302 266 University of South Florida-Main Campus 90.19 90.65 (0.5%)
303 244 George Mason University 90.19 91.25 (1.2%)
304 372 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach 90.12 88.92 (1.4%)
305 292 Covenant College 90.11 No Change
306 387 Grand Valley State University 90.10 88.64 (1.6%)
307 397 Saint John Fisher College 90.09 88.33 (2.0%)
308 182 University of the Pacific 90.05 92.97 (3.1%)
309 317 University of Detroit Mercy 89.99 89.78 (0.2%)
310 330 Oklahoma City University 89.96 89.56 (0.4%)
311 348 Rockhurst University 89.95 89.25 (0.8%)
312 201 Lewis & Clark College 89.92 92.53 (2.8%)
313 293 Xavier University 89.87 90.15 (0.3%)
314 272 Citadel Military College of South Carolina 89.87 90.56 (0.8%)
315 368 University of Massachusetts-Lowell 89.86 89.00 (1.0%)
316 559 SUNY Maritime College 89.83 85.61 (4.9%)
317 307 Bethel University 89.82 89.95 (0.1%)
318 241 Pacific Lutheran University 89.75 91.37 (1.8%)
319 434 California State University Maritime Academy 89.71 87.59 (2.4%)
320 256 University of North Carolina Wilmington 89.70 90.82 (1.2%)

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