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College Rankings

Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 15

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 15

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
281 286 Holy Names University $57,674 $49,041 (17.6%)
282 314 McDaniel College $57,610 $48,300 (19.3%)
283 393 Beacon College $57,506 $45,968 (25.1%)
284 311 John Carroll University $57,464 $48,310 (18.9%)
285 229 Savannah College of Art and Design $57,443 $51,279 (12.0%)
286 279 Iona College $57,440 $49,295 (16.5%)
287 335 Rochester Institute of Technology $57,401 $47,627 (20.5%)
288 257 Gustavus Adolphus College $57,370 $50,110 (14.5%)
289 295 University of Dallas $57,352 $48,710 (17.7%)
290 334 Saint Mary's College $57,300 $47,660 (20.2%)
291 365 Wabash College $57,250 $46,660 (22.7%)
292 90 Drew University $57,230 $59,362 (3.6%)
293 346 Coe College $57,200 $47,260 (21.0%)
294 350 Becker College $57,160 $47,160 (21.2%)
295 290 Mount St. Mary's University $57,125 $48,858 (16.9%)
296 388 Randolph College $57,115 $46,060 (24.0%)
297 387 Monmouth University $56,979 $46,152 (23.5%)
298 367 Biola University $56,956 $46,624 (22.2%)
299 274 Lynn University $56,823 $49,535 (14.7%)
300 313 Pacific Lutheran University $56,784 $48,308 (17.5%)

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