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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 17

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 17

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
321 343 Methodist University $55,965 $47,311 (18.3%)
322 332 Randolph-Macon College $55,860 $47,740 (17.0%)
323 329 Marymount California University $55,822 $47,961 (16.4%)
324 305 Luther College $55,805 $48,435 (15.2%)
325 245 University of Colorado Boulder $55,798 $50,655 (10.2%)
326 345 Siena College $55,706 $47,265 (17.9%)
327 338 The College of New Rochelle $55,694 $47,550 (17.1%)
328 208 Manhattanville College $55,690 $52,240 (6.6%)
329 359 Wilkes University $55,676 $46,786 (19.0%)
330 1337 University of Connecticut-Stamford $55,662 $29,864 (86.4%)
331 319 Hollins University $55,655 $48,180 (15.5%)
332 342 Agnes Scott College $55,625 $47,323 (17.5%)
333 259 University of Bridgeport $55,583 $50,043 (11.1%)
334 327 Centre College $55,420 $48,020 (15.4%)
335 315 Pacific Northwest College of Art $55,410 $48,221 (14.9%)
336 306 New England College $55,386 $48,430 (14.4%)
337 374 Oglethorpe University $55,250 $46,430 (19.0%)
338 331 Saint Peter's University $55,200 $47,842 (15.4%)
339 336 Austin College $55,137 $47,625 (15.8%)
340 768 Texas A & M University-College Station $55,131 $37,671 (46.3%)

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