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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries - Page 20

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries - Page 20

Rank Highest Full-Time Faculty Salaries
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
381 1347 West Los Angeles College $100,959 $69,997 (44.2%)
382 215 The Santa Barbara and Ventura Colleges of Law at Santa Barbara $100,785 $100,000 (0.8%)
383 239 Atlanta's John Marshall Law School $100,720 $98,110 (2.7%)
384 378 San Joaquin College of Law $100,714 $90,700 (11.0%)
385 461 DigiPen Institute of Technology $100,673 $87,220 (15.4%)
386 434 CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice $100,633 $88,065 (14.3%)
387 3362 Crafton Hills College $100,622 $50,944 (97.5%)
388 667 Manhattan College $100,588 $81,376 (23.6%)
389 336 Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center-New Orleans $100,544 $93,004 (8.1%)
390 366 CUNY Queens College $100,531 $91,491 (9.9%)
391 351 Pitzer College $100,379 $92,231 (8.8%)
392 922 Los Angeles Trade Technical College $100,271 $76,165 (31.6%)
393 3642 Las Vegas College $100,000 $48,275 (107.1%)
394 399 Florida International University $99,849 $89,750 (11.3%)
395 441 Baylor University $99,682 $87,930 (13.4%)
396 559 Willamette University $99,632 $84,072 (18.5%)
397 463 Molloy College $99,386 $87,158 (14.0%)
398 194 Jewish Theological Seminary of America $99,368 $102,159 (2.7%)
399 442 Colorado State University-Fort Collins $99,254 $87,901 (12.9%)
400 487 College of Staten Island CUNY $99,208 $86,371 (14.9%)

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