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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 19

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 19

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
361 391 Azusa Pacific University $54,144 $45,996 (17.7%)
362 321 Anna Maria College $54,090 $48,146 (12.3%)
363 442 Chestnut Hill College $54,072 $44,378 (21.8%)
364 409 King's College $54,046 $45,468 (18.9%)
365 439 Newbury College $54,040 $44,550 (21.3%)
366 308 DeSales University $54,020 $48,398 (11.6%)
367 289 Western New England University $53,759 $48,890 (10.0%)
368 397 Franklin Pierce University $53,745 $45,898 (17.1%)
369 460 George Mason University $53,744 $44,019 (22.1%)
370 420 Saint Francis University $53,700 $45,038 (19.2%)
371 381 Milwaukee School of Engineering $53,684 $46,220 (16.1%)
372 415 Wartburg College $53,675 $45,305 (18.5%)
373 421 Cedar Crest College $53,610 $45,021 (19.1%)
374 454 Union University $53,550 $44,220 (21.1%)
375 375 Hamline University $53,538 $46,398 (15.4%)
376 337 Erskine College $53,500 $47,610 (12.4%)
377 519 Adrian College $53,481 $42,740 (25.1%)
378 256 The University of Texas at Austin $53,476 $50,200 (6.5%)
379 430 Massachusetts College of Art and Design $53,400 $44,700 (19.5%)
380 361 Wentworth Institute of Technology $53,390 $46,750 (14.2%)

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