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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 21

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Top 500 Ranked Colleges - Highest Cost of attendance - Page 21

Rank Highest Cost of attendance
2020 2015 School Name 2020 2015
401 376 Presbyterian College $52,910 $46,378 (14.1%)
402 431 University of Lynchburg $52,880 $44,695 (18.3%)
403 459 Saint Martin's University $52,802 $44,038 (19.9%)
404 410 Augsburg University $52,780 $45,465 (16.1%)
405 413 Guilford College $52,770 $45,395 (16.2%)
406 505 Belmont University $52,760 $43,030 (22.6%)
407 407 Miami University-Oxford $52,745 $45,491 (15.9%)
408 428 North Central College $52,728 $44,769 (17.8%)
409 423 American International College $52,680 $44,900 (17.3%)
410 694 Antioch College $52,628 $38,985 (35.0%)
411 363 Nichols College $52,550 $46,690 (12.6%)
412 351 College of Saint Elizabeth $52,548 $47,147 (11.5%)
413 358 Fisher College $52,510 $46,840 (12.1%)
414 316 Mercer University $52,488 $48,212 (8.9%)
415 464 Berry College $52,480 $43,834 (19.7%)
416 434 College of Our Lady of the Elms $52,462 $44,612 (17.6%)
417 348 University of Washington-Tacoma Campus $52,359 $47,223 (10.9%)
418 472 Transylvania University $52,310 $43,640 (19.9%)
419 634 University of Wisconsin-Madison $52,275 $40,181 (30.1%)
420 478 Minneapolis College of Art and Design $52,248 $43,560 (19.9%)

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